Welcome to the page that discusses Put Options

I want to start this blog by telling you that I have no 1-800 number, I am not trying to sell you any newsletter with the next great stock idea. I am not inviting you to come to my house and view a cleaning agent. I will not try to sell you plastic bowls or any other ‘can’t miss’ ideas. I do not have any life changing secrets and I cannot promise you a flat stomach.

I am going to share with you my daily option moves and the reasons behind them. My way of trading options are of course not the only way to utilize Put Options. This is a way that I have found to be simple and easy and not as complicated as some make this business. My hope is that you can develop a steady stream of income and continue to enjoy your life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Some weekly option trades

Hi all, While waiting for my new account to open i have done some trading in accounts that i manage for others. These are weekly vert-put-spread trades as the other accounts do not have clearance for full naked puts.
Some more aapl 330/335 = +.16
some NFLX 210/220 = + .13
PCLN 460/465 = + .20
These have averaged around 2+% So not bad at all for the week.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hi all, some thoughts

I thought I would start a new page as the last one was getting long.
I sure don't like the oil price going up. Also the falling employment effects the market. Libya and the general world situation also concern me and effects my position choices. So do be careful. Any one of these could trigger a sell-off. Cushion and time factor is the only safety factors that we can control.
Trade safe.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

From mexico

Hi all, What a market. Glad to see the mkt up. It looks like my puts will expire tomorrow. Again I want to say that traders must be careful. Do not force trades. Leave lots of cushion and settle for less ROI. This is not a market that can be counted on to move somewhat predictable.
With the news from Japan not good and the mid-east is still a mess.
There are profits out their but care must to be used in picking your positions. Even waiting until there is only one or two weeks left in an option period is a valid strategy.
trade smart.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a week

Well we have all had an unusual week or at least I have. From, oh oh to Yes!!
The up and downs have been odd for one week.
My positions are as follows. I feel good about them but next week will tell.
SPY - 123
AMZN - 155
WLT - 105
LO - 65'S
So a fair amount of puts that are around 10+ points to the good side with a week to go.
The times and the things going on make me nervous but I still keep active and in the put market. But do be careful. Take less profit and sleep better.
To all the traders that are reading the blog and not members..jump in. We welcome all levels of traders and questions. We were all learning at some point and enjoy helping and pointing others to help make their trading successful. All are welcome.
Monday I am heading to Mexico for 12 days so I am leaving you guys in charge. Keep the market to the upside and lets make some money. I will have my laptop with me so will able to contribute to the blog as well as trade when necessary. I still have some maintenance available so if the mkt turns a little more positive I will get some more puts.
Good trading all, Jerry

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Big market today

Hi all, Wow to figure this market is tough. First down and then a big turnaround. I am not sold that all the bad news is out there. Between oil / gasoline and unrest in the Mid-east-Africa and ?? There is potential for more bad news. One caveat is that there is always bad news just around the corner. So that said I am fully invested, but nervous.
My 180 NFLX still have 15 point of cush but i got near my double point today. As I was watching and aware that there is only 3 more days of trading i would have violated that rule a little bit. But all in all most of my positions are doing ok.
I would advise all to leave more cushion and expect lower returns until the world settles down some. It is one thing to worry about earnings and your CFO heading to Brazil but having the US oil supply cut off etc is a real market killer. So be careful, leave lots of cushion and less profit for awhile.
Also after March comes our major April earnings season. So tread lightly for awhile.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Market looking up with new jobs

Well the market is looking up this morning with a good jobs report. All my positions are doing great, but, still 'out-there' is the mid-east and Libya. So don't get complacent and caught up in the 'I'm bullet proof' state of mind. That is when something in the market sends a silver bullet right through you. Also avoid the rolling up 'to soon' as it has been a long and good run for the mkt. Continue conservatively and just picking up the crumbs. When all the hogs are eating, that is when they keep pushing crumbs off the table. My job is to pick them up..lol

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tough market

Well a couple of days ago the market calmed down when the Saudi’s said they would make up the lost oil from Libya. Now the Saudi’s are having demonstrations.
Tomorrow AAPL shows off the new I-pad. Maybe that will help tech stocks. Especially if Steve J makes an appearance.
When the market is spooked it is best to trade with lots of safety or not all. Don’t fall into the trap of forcing a trade. Sometimes it is better to avoid the market altogether and golf or whatever. It is better to miss a little possible profit than to take two or three hits.